Billiards or Pool Shooting

Billiards or Pool Shooting, as a cue sport, has a long and rich history that dates back to the 15th century. It seems the exact nature of billiards is somewhat debated. Though it is widely believed to have evolved from various lawn games. Which had been played in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. The word “billiard” itself is derived from the French word “billart.” Which means “mace” or “stick.” It then became known as Shooting Pool.

friends shooting pool

The earliest recorded mention of a billiards-like game is from a 1470 inventory of the belongings of King Louis XI of France, which included billiard tables and equipment. It would seem that by the 17th century, billiards had become a popular indoor game. Over in Europe, and various versions of the billiards had been played in multiple countries.

Over time, billiards evolved, with the addition of pockets and changes in rules, leading to the development of different cue sports, including carom billiards and various types of pool games. The modern game of pool, as it is known today, has its roots in the 19th century. Particularly in the United States, where various rule sets and variations were developed.


Fine Wines goes with shooting pool

So, billiards has been around for several centuries. With its origins dating back to the 15th century and evolving into the cue sports we know today. I first learned how to play Billiards when I was about 8 years old. Because my mother was a bartender. And i used to go to work with her. There was nothing to do but play on the pool table. I got to be real good by age 12. Although I could beat most grown-ups in the game. Billiards or Pool Shooting isn’t a game for children.

The art and history of shooting pool, also known as billiards, snooker, or pool, spans centuries and cultures, evolving from humble beginnings into a beloved recreational activity enjoyed worldwide. Originating in Europe during the 15th century, billiards initially served as a lawn game played with wooden sticks and balls, gradually evolving into indoor table games with specialized cues, balls, and scoring systems.

Throughout history, this game has held various cultural significance, serving as a pastime for nobility. And a social activity in taverns and clubs. And a competitive sport showcasing skill and strategy. Over time, different variations of this game emerged, including pool, snooker, and carom. Each with its own set of rules and gameplay.

I still enjoy playing pool or billiards but quite frankly I haven’t played in almost twenty years. That is because most pool tables are in bars and I don’t drink alcohol so I have no business in bars or clubs. But I definitely miss the game a whole lot

The art of shooting pool involves mastering techniques such as grip, stance, aiming, and cue control to accurately strike balls and maneuver them around the table. It requires a combination of precision, concentration, and strategic thinking to outmaneuver opponents and pocket balls according to the game’s rules.

Today, shooting pool remains a popular recreational activity, enjoyed by individuals of all ages and skill levels in homes, bars, clubs, and professional tournaments worldwide. It continues to evolve with advancements in equipment, technology, and playing styles, while retaining its timeless appeal as a social, competitive, and skill-based game.

Shooting Pool is an adult game.

That Kids shouldn’t play this game. Children shouldn’t really be in bars or taverns unless they are with an adult.

By the time I became an adult I was very good at this game. So I decided to join a Pool League and I ultimately got a heck of a lot better.